
The Monitored Drug List shows all of the drugs that are monitored using TasScript. System administrators can view the list, and add new drugs to existing Drug Groups.

Drug Groups are created by Department of Health to suit specific workflow requirements, such as Patient Alerts, .

Monitored Drug List

Search the Monitored Drug List

  1. From the Drugs menu, select Monitored Drug List.

    By default, the grid shows all of the monitored drugs in TasScript, at the most granular level possible (based on the drugs' AMT codes).

  2. Start typing a drug's generic name or brand name.

    The drug list is narrowed down as you type.

  3. Use the filters in the column headers to select or deselect the items you want to view.

    The Monitored Drug List displays as follows:

    Date AddedThe date the drug was added to the monitored drug list.
    Generic NameThe generic name of the drug.
    BrandThe brand name (trade name) of the drug.
    StrengthThe strength of the individual drug entry.
    FormThe form of the individual drug entry.
    MPThe AMT code for the drug's Medicinal Product.
    MPUUThe AMT code for the drug's Medicinal Product Unit of Use.
    MPPThe AMT code for the drug's Medicinal Product Pack.
    TPThe AMT code for the drug's Trade Product.
    TPUUThe AMT code for the drug's Trade Product Unit of Use.
    TPPThe AMT code for the drug's Trade Product Pack.
    CTPPThe AMT code for the drug's Containered Trade Product Pack, if available.
    PBSThe PBS code for the drug, if available.
    MFThe manufacturer code for the drug if available
    GroupDisplays YES if the drug is in one or more drug groups.
    UOMThe Unit of Measurement
    Pref StrengthStrength per unit of drug

    Morphine-Equivalent Dose, also known as Oral Morphine Equivalent (OME). This value is used in dose estimate calculations for patient alert rules and reports. Department of Health must enter and maintain this value against all opioid medicines.

Drug Groups

Create a drug group

  1. From Drugs, select Drug Groups.

    The list of existing drug groups is displayed. Check that the group you plan to create does not already exist.

  2. Select Create Group to create a new group.

  3. Enter a Group Name and an optional Description.
  4. Select the drugs you want to include in the group, then Save.

    The new group is added to the list. Your username and the Created Date are recorded against the new group.

Edit a drug group

  1. From the Drugs menu, select Drug Groups.

    The list of existing drug groups is displayed.

    If a drug group is associated with one or more rules, you will see Yes in its Rule Associated column. Before you edit these drug groups, make sure you understand which rules are associated, and how they will be affected. See Alert Rules

  2. To find the drug group you want to edit, either start typing its name in Search Groups, or use the column headings to sort and filter the list.
  3. Select Edit to open the group you want to modify.

  4. Once in Edit mode, do one of the following:
    • Update the Group Name and Description, if required.
    • Add or remove drugs from the group- Find the drugs you want to add or remove, then use to select or un-select drug.