
Most organisations (pharmacies and medical practices) are created automatically from medication events. If the organisation you are looking for does not exist, you can create a profile for a new organisation, and then link it to a specific regulatory entity.

When a new medication event is received, if the system cannot match the clinic and/or pharmacy to an existing profile, it creates a new profile.

Once created, an organisation can be linked to practitioners, enquiries and investigations.

Organisation Search

  1. From the navigation menu, select Search.
  2. In Organisation Search enter at least one character in any of the search fields.

    Search Results displays all the organisations (50 per page) in TasScript, with their Name, Approval number and Contact details, etc ...

  3. (If required) Apply additional filters to each column header.
  4. Click to open in Organisation Details and edit the profile (if required).

Edit or link an organisation profile

  1. Search for an organisation profile, as explained above.

    From Search Results, open the required organisation profile.

    If the organisation profile was created automatically, the Organisation header is read-only. This is also the case when the profile is created manually, then subsequently matched to medicine transactions.

  2. (Optional) If the organisation profile created automatically was for a pharmacy, set the Pharmacy Type to Community Pharmacy or Hospital Pharmacy.

Organisation flags

If the organisation is linked to an investigation that is Open, a flag is displayed.

Under Investigation

This flag is removed when the investigation is Closed.

See Investigations

Create an organisation profile

If searching does not retrieve the organisation you are looking for, you can create a new organisation profile for the purpose of associating it with a regulatory entity (enquiry, ) or with a practitioner.

  1. From Search, select Organisations.
  2. In Organisation Search, select Create Organisation.
  3. In the new Organisation Profile form, enter the information required:

    Fields are highlighted in red if mandatory information is missing or incorrect. An error message is also displayed, if appropriate.

  4. Save the organisation.

    A success message is displayed.

    Your organisation has been created successfully.

    If the information required is missing or invalid, Save is disabled.

    The following error messages are displayed:

    • If the Pharmacy Approval Number entered already exists for another pharmacy, the Organisation profile cannot be saved.

      Error: A pharmacy already exists with the Pharmacy Approval Number you entered.

    • If the HPI-O entered already exists for another pharmacy, the Organisation profile cannot be saved.

      A <organisationType> already exists with the HPI-O you entered.

    • If the service is temporarily unavailable, the Organisation profile cannot be saved.

      Unable to save changes at this time. Please try again later.

    • If you select Cancel, the profile is not created (or your changes are not saved). You are returned to the previous page.
    • Are you sure you want to leave this page without saving? Your changes will be lost.