Search for and Edit a Regulator User Account

Search for a user by role and/or username, in order to view or manage their user account.

Search for user

  1. Select Users.

    The User Management screen is displayed.

  2. Select a User Role, and optionally enter the user's Name.

  3. Select Search.

    Matching users are shown in the Search Results.

    The Account Status column indicates the current status of the user account in Azure Active Directory: either Active or Inactive.

  4. Click a user to view their account details.

    The Regulator User Details screen is displayed.

Edit a regulator user

The Regulator User Details screen displays the user's details and assigned roles. You can add and remove roles.

Remove a role from the user

  1. Select the Delete icon next to the role.

  2. Select Save, to save your change.

Add a role to the user

  1. Select the Role from the drop-down list.

  2. Select Add.
  3. Select Save to save your changes.