Search for and Edit a Practitioner User Account

Search for a practitioner by Ahpra Number, username, or name, in order to view or manage their user account.

Search for a practitioner

  1. Select Users.

    The User Management screen is displayed.

  2. Enter one or more of the following search criteria:
    • Ahpra Number
    • Username
    • First Name
    • Surname
  3. Select Search.

    Matching users are shown in the Search Results.

  4. Click a user to view their account details.

    The Practitioner User Details screen is displayed.

Edit a practitioner

The Practitioner User Details screen displays the user's details and assigned roles. You can add and remove roles.

Remove a role from the user

  1. Select the Delete icon next to the role.

  2. Select Save, to save your change.

Add a role to the user

  1. Select the Role from the drop-down list.

  2. Select Add.
  3. Select Save, to save your change.