
You can view and create authorities from a patient, from a prescriber, or from the authorities screen.

Depending on what your starting point is, there may be slight variations in the options available in each of the sections. For example, if you create an authority from a patient profile, the patient details are read-only. However, if you create an authority from the Authorities Search page, and then select a patient, then the patient details can be edited.

Authorities Under Review

The Authorities Under Review page enables you to focus on active authorities with a particular Authority Status.

  1. From the navigation menu, select Authorities > Authorities Under Review.

    The Authorities Under Review page displays. Initially, no records are displayed.

    The number in brackets indicates how many records have that Authority Status.

  2. Select the relevant Authority Status (button)—for example, Pending MP. A list of matching records displays.

    The colour of the button changes to indicate that it has been selected.

  3. Click to open an existing Authority and take the appropriate Action.

The list of authorities on the Authorities Under Review page does not automatically refresh if you haven't interacted with it. Therefore, if you have been away from your screen, it is recommende d to click the Refresh button to reflect any changes made by your colleagues.

Authority Status (Button) Definitions

Authorities with the status of Pending Further Advice are further broken down according to Action reason. For the purposes of viewing the Authorities Under Review, the following definitions are in place for the Authority Status buttons.

Authority Status (Button) Includes these authorities
Pending - MP All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending' with the 'Application source' = MP
Submitted All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Submitted'
In Progress All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'In Progress'
Senior Pharmacist All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending Further Advice', with 'Action reasons' = 'Senior pharmacist'
EAP All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending Further Advice', with 'Action reasons' = 'EAP' (Expert Advisory Panel)
KAP KAP = All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending Further Advice', with 'Action reasons' = 'KAP' (Ketamine Advisory Panel)
Waiting for info All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Waiting for additional information'
CMO All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending Further Advice', with 'Action reasons' - 'CMO' (Chief Medical Officer)
PAC All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending Further Advice', with 'Action reasons' = 'PAC' (Psychostimulant Advisory Committee)
Other All Authorities that have an 'Authority status' of 'Pending Further Advice', with 'Action reasons' = 'Other'

Authority Search

  1. From the navigation menu, select Authorities > Authority Search.
  2. (If required) Filter by Date Range. By default the past 7 days are shown.
  3. (If required) Apply additional filters to each column header.

  4. Click to open an existing Authority and take the appropriate Action.

    For example, update the authority from Pending to Approved.

    The Authorities Search page only displays the newest version of each authority, including the Number, Version, Type and Status.

  5. If the authority cannot be found, it is possible to click Create Authority, and select the relevant authority type:
    • Authority to prescribe

    • Authority to prescribe - Opioid use disorder

    • Authority to prescribe - Medicinal cannabis

    Alternatively, you can search for the patient and then create an authority. The instructions for this are described below.

View a patient's authorities

  1. From the navigation menu, select Search > Patients to search for a patient.
  2. Refer to Patient Search

    In Patient Search Results, the patient records are flagged as: , , or .

    If the patient you want to create an authority for is flagged as , you must first create a regulatory patient profile for this patient and link it to the profile with medication history.

    Refer to Patient Profile

  3. If the patient is flagged as Regulatory , open the relevant record and view in Patient Details.
  4. Expand the Authorities section to display all existing authorities (if any).
  5. Select Create Authority to create an authority for this patient.
  1. Set the Status to Submit, then Save to create the authority.

    Your authority has been created successfully.

    All authorities display in Authority Search with their current Status. Status is updated when a new Action field is selected.

    If attempting to close an authority without saving, the following message is displayed:

    Are you sure you want to leave this page without saving? Your changes will be lost.

    • Cancel to continue editing the authority.
    • OK to return to the form you started from.