Medication History

The medication history of each patient is sourced directly from the clinical system used by the prescriber or the pharmacist.

View a patient's medication history

Patients who only have a medication history are identified with in Patient Search Results.

  1. In Patient Search Results, double-click to open the relevant record and view in Patient Details.

    The profile displays the patient's identifying details at the top, followed by a list of medications dispensed and prescribed.

    In order to link the patient to any regulatory entity (Enquiries, Investigations), you must first create a Regulatory profile for this patient.

  2. If the patient already has a regulatory profile, select View profile.

    If the patient has no linked regulatory profile, Create profile is enabled.

    See Regulatory Patient Profile

    From the regulatory profile, select Medications to return to the patient's medication history.

    Medication history displays all medication events for this patient, including the date, the medicine details, the practitioners' details, the number of repeats dispensed (and prescribed) and the type of medication event (Prescribed or Dispensed).

Create a patient profile from a medication history

The patient profile is used to view all the regulatory events for a patient. When creating a patient profile from the medication history, they become both part of the patient record.

  1. In Patient Details, select Create Profile.

    Create Profile displays the selected patient’s unsaved patient profile.

    The patient's identifying information is pre-filled from Medication History: First Name and Surname (all Mandatory), plus Date of Birth and Sex (both Optional).

    See Regulatory Patient Profile

  2. Select Save to save the Regulatory profile and link it to the patient's medication history.

    You are returned to the patient's medication history.

    Your patient profile has been created successfully.

    The Patient Profile button is now visible and enabled (top right).

  3. Select Patient Profile to toggle to the patient's profile.

    The regulatory information provided (above) is now displayed under a single Primary Identity section.

    You can also create a patient profile for a patient while working on regulatory events. For details about this process, refer to:

View Access History

When a practitioner views a patient, a log entry is created. On the patient's profile, you can review these access logs.

  1. Search for and select a patient.
  2. On the patient's profile, select View Access History ....

    In Access History, the following details are shown for each practitioner who has viewed the patient:

    • Timestamp
    • Practitioner Name
    • Profession
    • Contact Number (if available; for prescribers only)

      The contact number is sourced from the most recent medication event TasScript received from that prescriber, based on their Prescriber Number.

    • Address

    You can filter and sort using the column headers, and also search within each column.

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