Regulatory Patient Profile

The regulatory profile is used to view (and create) regulatory information associated with a patient.

  • If the patient already has a medication history, you can create a regulatory profile (Patient Profile page) from the patient's medication history (Patient Details page). For further details, refer to Medication History
  • If the patient does not have a medication history, you can create a new patient profile from Patient Search.

Create a new Regulatory profile

Prior to creating a new profile, use Patient Search to check if a record already exists. In most cases, there should already be a medication history record for a patient and in many cases, there will already be a regulatory profile.

  1. From Search, select Patients.
  2. In Patient Search, select Create Profile.
  3. In the new Create Profile form, enter the information required.
  4. Select Save to save your changes.

    If any of the required data is missing or invalid, Save is disabled.

    Existing notes cannot be updated after being saved.

Edit a regulatory profile

You can also edit a regulatory profile while creating or editing any regulatory event, such as Enquiries or Investigations.

  1. Search for a patient record, as explained in Patient Profile .
  2. From Patient Search Results, open the required regulatory profile or linked profile.

    If you open a linked profile, the medication history is displayed first. Select Patient Profile to open the regulatory profile.

  3. Review and update the existing patient details.
  4. Save.

    Your Patient Details have been updated successfully.

    If data is missing (in required fields) or invalid, Save is disabled.

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